The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (“USTR”) published a notice of product exclusion extensions on March 10, 2021 to extend exclusions from additional Section 301 tariffs for certain medical-care products from China. USTR has extended these product exclusions from March 31, 2021 to September 30, 2021. The product exclusions were previously extended and modified on December 29, 2020. These products include radiotherapy and X-ray components, hand soaps and sanitizers, facemasks and gloves, and more. Please see USTR’s December notice of product exclusion extensions and additional modifications for full descriptions of the ninety-nine (99) listed products of China currently exempt from additional Section 301 tariffs until September 30, 2021.

Husch Blackwell closely monitors the Section 301 investigation on imports from China, and will provide further updates when available. Please contact our International Trade & Supply Chain team with any questions or concerns regarding these product exclusions from USTR.