The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”) recently issued a final rule, effective November 18, 2020, which revises certain provisions of the Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”) to implement enforcement provisions pursuant to the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (“ECRA”), which expanded the export control authorities available to the Secretary of Commerce.  BIS also amended the EAR with respect to the issuance of licenses and denial orders and the payment of civil penalties, not directly related to implementation of ECRA.

The final rule affirms BIS’ authority to conduct investigations, pre-license checks, and post-shipment verifications outside of the United States, as well as the production of books and other information required to be kept as specified in ECRA Section 1761(a)(2) which may be requested of persons located outside the United States.  The enforcement and protective measures in Part 764 of the EAR include violations and sanctions outlined in sections 764.2 and 764.3.  Sanctions for violations of the EAR outlined in Section 764.2 include civil monetary penalties, the denial of export privileges, or the exclusion from practice for persons who act as attorneys, accountants, consultants, freight forwarders, or “in any other representative capacity for any license application or other matter before BIS…”  Criminal violations may result in a maximum fine of $1,000,000 and a prison sentence of up to twenty years.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding BIS’ recent revisions to the EAR implementing certain enforcement provisions of the ECRA, please contact Cortney Morgan or Grant Leach of Husch Blackwell’s Export Controls & Economic Sanctions team.