Yesterday, our team published a client alert exploring recent statements made by Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco in connection with the Department of Justice’s continued efforts to investigate and prosecute individuals for violating economic sanctions, export controls, and other similar economic crimes. The statements—made at an American Bar Association event last week—demonstrate that export controls continue to rank highly among DOJ’s priorities.
Husch Blackwell’s Export Controls and Economic Sanctions Team continues to closely monitor all sanctions and export controls developments concerning Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine and will provide further updates as conditions change. Interested readers can also review content covering previous Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine sanctions developments at the Husch Blackwell Russia Sanctions Resource Library. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cortney Morgan, Grant Leach, Emily Mikes, Eric Dama, Gregg Sofer, Rick Shimon, or your Husch Blackwell attorney.