On April 19, 2024, the Coalition for Fair Trade in Ceramic Tile (“FTCT”), “the Coalition”, or “Petitioner”), filed a petition for the imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties on U.S. imports of ceramic tile from India.
The following language describes the imported merchandise from India that is within the scope of this Petition:
The merchandise covered by the order is ceramic flooring tile, wall tile, paving tile, hearth tile, porcelain tile, mosaic tile, flags, finishing tile, and the like (hereinafter ceramic tile). Ceramic tiles are articles containing a mixture of minerals including clay (generally hydrous silicates of alumina or magnesium) that are fired so the raw materials are fused to produce a finished good that is less than 3 .2 cm in actual thickness. All ceramic tile is subject to the scope regardless of end use, surface area, and weight, regardless of whether the tile is glazed or unglazed, regardless of the water absorption coefficient by weight, regardless of the extent of vitrification, and regardless of whether or not the tile is on a backing. Subject merchandise includes ceramic tile with decorative features that may in spots exceed 3.2 cm in thickness and includes ceramic tile “slabs” or “panels” (tiles that are larger than 1 meter2 (11 ft. 2)).
Subject merchandise includes ceramic tile that undergoes minor processing in a third country prior to importation into the United States. Similarly, subject merchandise includes ceramic tile produced that undergoes minor processing after importation into the United States. Such minor processing includes, but is not limited to, one or more of the following: beveling, cutting, trimming, staining, painting, polishing, finishing, additional firing, affixing a decorative surface to the tile, or any other processing that would otherwise not remove the merchandise from the scope of the order if performed in the country of manufacture of the in-scope product.
Subject merchandise is currently classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) under the following subheadings of heading 6907: 6907.21.1005, 6907.21.1011, 6907.21.1051, 6907. 21.2000, 6907.21.3000, 6907.21.4000, 6907.21.9011, 6907.21.905 1, 6907. 22.1005, 6907.22.1011, 6907.22.1051, 6907.22.2000, 6907.22.3000, 6907.22.4000, 6907.22. 9011, 6907.22.9051, 6907.23.1005, 6907.23.10 11, 6907. 23. 10 5 1, 6907.23.2000, 6907.23.3000, 6907.23 .4000, 6907. 23.9011, 6907. 23 .9051, 6907.30.1005, 6907.30.1011, 6907 .30.1051, 6907 .30. 2000, 6907 .30.3000, 6907 .30.4000, 6907.30.9011, 6907.30.905 1, 6907.40.1005, 6907.40.1011, 6907.40.10 51, 6907.40.2000, 6907.40.3000, 6907.40.4000, 6907.40.9011, and 6907.40. 905 1. Subject merchandise may also enter under subheadings of headings 6914 and 6905, 6914.10.8000, 6914.90.8000, 690 5.10.0000, and 6905.90.0050. The HTSUS subheadings are provided for convenience and customs purposes only. The written description of the scope of the order is dispositive.
Crossville, Inc. 346 Sweeney Dr Crossville, TN 38555 Greg Mather gmather@crossvilleinc.com (931) 484-2110 https://www.crossvilleinc.com/ | Florim USA 300 International Blvd Clarksville, TN 37040 Don Haynes DHaynes@FlorimUSA.com (931) 553-7568 https://usa.florim.com/ |
Dal-Tile Corporation 834 Hawn Freeway Dallas, TX 75217 Marcelo Rodriguez Marcelo.Rodriguez@ragnousa.com (800) 449-3591 https://www.daltile.com/ | Florida Tile 998 Governors Lane, Suite 250 Lexington, KY 40513 Clark Cornelius clark.cornelius@floridatile.com (859) 219-5212 https://www.floridatile.com/ |
Del Conca USA, Inc. 155 Del Conca Way Loudon, TN 37774 Paolo Mularoni p.mularoni@delconca.com (865) 657-3550 https://www.delconcausa.com | Portobello America Manufacturing LLC 1600 NW 18th Street, Suite 708 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Jacqueline Wisdom jacqueline.wisdom@portobeiloamerica.com (931) 650-5225 https://www.portobelloamerica.com/ |
Wonder Porcelain 5 Wonder Lane Lebanon, TN 37090 Juan F. Molina j .molina@wonderporcelain.com (615) 994-3266 https://wonderporcelain. com/ | StonePeak Ceramics Inc. 325 W Huron St. Suite 404 Chicago, IL 6065 Massimo Fiorini mfiorini@stonepeakceramics.com (312) 330-0891 https://www.stonepeakceramics.com/ |
Landmark Ceramics – UST, Inc. 1427 N. Main Street Mount Pleasant, TN 38474 Francesco Pirazzoli f.pirazzol@lcusa.com (606) 727-7585 https://www.landmarkceramics.com/ |
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
555 12th Street, NW, Suite 1200
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 289-1313
The list of Indian Exporters has been marked as Business Proprietary and is not currently available. Should this list become available we will update this summary.
The list of U.S. Importers has been marked as Business Proprietary and is not currently available. Should this list become available we will update this summary.
Event | Earliest Date |
Petition Filed | April 19, 2024 |
DOC Initiation | May 9, 2024 |
ITC Preliminary Investigation: | |
Questionnaires Due | May 3, 2024 |
Request to appear at hearing | May 8, 2024 |
Hearing | May 10, 2024 |
Briefs | May 15, 2024 |
ITC Vote | June 3, 2024 |
DOC Investigation Schedule: | |
DOC Preliminary Antidumping Determination | September 26, 2024 |
DOC Final Antidumping Determination | December 10, 2024 |
DOC Preliminary Countervailing Determination | July 13, 2024 |
DOC Final Countervailing Determination | September 26, 2024 |
ITC Final Investigation: | |
ITC Final AD Determination | January 24, 2025 |
ITC Final CVD Determination | November 10, 2024 |
India: 407.78% – 827.60%
Above de minimis
For a list of alleged subsidies the Petitioner, please see Attachment III.
For a list of Imports of Subject Merchandise, please see Attachment IV.
CONTACT US For more information concerning this petition and how it may affect your business, please contact Nithya Nagarajan, Dan Wilson, Jeffrey Neeley, and Stephen Brophy.