Aaron Mann, a TMT commercial litigation partner, recently gave a presentation in London regarding the differences between litigating commercial disputes in the U.S. versus the UK.  The presentation was done in conjunction with Pinsent Masons, a global law firm with which Husch Blackwell has worked closely for a number of years.  Aaron joined Pinsent Masons partners Richard Twomey (commercial litigation) and Barry Vitou (corporate criminal defense) in the presentation for Pinsent Masons’ clients.

Discovery versus disclosure, the American Rule versus the English Rule, compensatory versus punitive damages, the two systems of litigation are similar at times and worlds apart at others.  This seminar gave the largely-British audience a glimpse of how commercial disputes are prosecuted in the U.S. and what that might mean for a foreign defendant who finds itself in a U.S. courtroom.

Additionally, the seminar focused on the long arm of U.S. jurisdiction when it comes to foreign defendants.  The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), and Sarbanes-Oxley Act are three distinct devices by which a foreign defendant may unwittingly find itself in a U.S. court.  The increasing reach of U.S. law into foreign dealings is a matter of concern for many foreign companies and was discussed at length during the seminar.

This was one of many recent seminars jointly held with Husch Blackwell and Pinsent Masons lawyers.  In recent years, lawyers from the two firms have worked closely together on numerous cross-border matters.  Through its relationship with Pinsent Masons, Husch Blackwell can offer seamless services to its clients who have needs outside of the U.S.  Likewise, Husch Blackwell attorneys have often worked with clients from Pinsent Masons on U.S.-based matters across a wide variety of industries and disciplines.

Aaron is one of Husch Blackwell’s partners tasked with overseeing and growing the firm’s relationship with Pinsent Masons.  Aaron worked in Husch Blackwell’s London office for four years.  Now based in Kansas City, he regularly returns to the UK and Europe and spends approximately one month each year overseas.  He has personally worked with clients throughout the UK, Europe, and the Middle East.  At the same time, through his overseas relationships, Aaron has assisted American clients with legal needs throughout EMEA and abroad.

The full presentation and slides can be viewed here.  Listen to the webinar recording here.

For additional information, please contact Joe Orlet.