On May 29, 2019, the Commerce Department announced the initiation of four new investigations covering certain quartz surface products from India and Turkey. The investigations will now proceed to the next phase where the International Trade Commission will make its preliminary injury finding on or about June 24, 2019.
If the ITC determines that there is a reasonable indication that imports of quartz surface products from India and/or Turkey materially injure, or threaten material injury to, the domestic industry in the United States, the investigations will continue, and Commerce will individually examine exporters of the merchandise under investigation to determine the extent to which exports were subsidized and dumped from both India and Turkey. Commerce is tentatively scheduled to announce its preliminary CVD determination on August 2, 2019, and its preliminary AD determination on October 16, 2019, although these dates will most likely be extended by approximately 50 days. If the ITC’s preliminary determinations are negative, the investigations will be terminated.
If you are your company are affected by these new investigations please contact our International Trade and Supply Chain Group.