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On January 15, 2025, ZND US Inc (“ZND” or “Petitioner”), filed a petition for the imposition of antidumping and countervailing duties on U.S. imports of temporary steel fencing from the People’s Republic of China (“China”). 


The following language describes the imported merchandise from China:

The merchandise subject to this investigation is temporary steel fencing. Temporary steel fencing consists of temporary steel fence panels and temporary steel fence stands. Temporary steel fence panels, when assembled with temporary steel fence stands or other types of stands outside of the scope, with each other, or with posts, create a free-standing structure. Such structures may include, but are not limited to, fencing for construction sites, security perimeters, and events, as well as animal kennels. Temporary steel fence panels are covered by the scope regardless of whether they attach to a stand or the type of stand to which they connect.

Temporary steel fence panels have a welded frame of steel tubing and an interior consisting of chain link, steel wire mesh, or other steel materials that are not more than ten millimeters in actual diameter or width. The steel tubing may surround all edges of the temporary steel fence panel or only be attached along two parallel sides of the panel. All temporary steel fence panels with at least two framed sides are covered by the scope, regardless of the number of edges framed with steel tubing.

Temporary steel fence panels are typically between 10 and 12 feet long and six to eight feet high, though all temporary steel fence panels are covered by the scope regardless of dimension.

Temporary steel fence panels may be square, rectangular, or have rounded edges, and may or may not have gates, doors, wheels, or barbed wire or other features, though all temporary steel fence panels are covered by the scope regardless of shape and other features. Temporary steel fence panels may have one or more horizontal, vertical, or diagonal reinforcement tubes made of steel welded to the inside frame, though all temporary steel fence panels are covered by the scope regardless of the existence, number, or type of reinforcement tubes attached to the panel.

Temporary steel fence panels may have extensions, pins, tubes, or holes at the bottom of the panel, but all temporary steel fence panels are covered regardless of the existence of such features.

Steel fence stands are shapes made of steel that stand flat on the ground and have one or two open tubes or solid pins into which temporary steel fence panels are inserted to stand erect. The steel fence stand may be made of welded steel tubing or may be a flat steel plate with one or two tubes or pins welded onto the plate for connecting the panels.

Temporary steel fencing is covered by the scope regardless of coating, painting, or other finish. Both temporary steel fence panels and temporary steel fence stands are covered by the scope, whether imported assembled or unassembled, and whether imported together or separately.

Subject merchandise includes material matching the above description that has been finished, assembled, or packaged in a third country, including by coating, painting, assembling, attaching to, or packaging with another product, or any other finishing, assembly, or packaging operation that would not otherwise remove the merchandise from the scope of the investigation if performed in the country of manufacture of the temporary steel fencing.

Temporary steel fencing is included in the scope of this investigation whether or not imported attached to, or in conjunction with, other parts and accessories such as hooks, rings, brackets, couplers, clips, connectors, handles, brackets, or latches. If temporary steel fencing is imported attached to, or in conjunction with, such non-subject merchandise, only the temporary steel fencing is included in the scope.

Merchandise covered by this investigation is currently classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) under the subheading 7308.90.9590. The HTSUS subheading set forth above is provided for convenience and U.S. Customs purposes only. The written description of the scope is dispositive.



214 James Farm Road

Statesville, NC 28625

(704) 880-9023

Marcel van Kesteren



900 Seventh Street, N.W., Suite 500

Washington, D.C. 20001

(202) 223-1700


For a list of foreign producers/exporters alleged by Petitioner, please see Attachment I.


For a list of importers alleged by the Petitioner, please see Attachment II.


Below is an estimated schedule.  Please note that the Commerce Department deadlines are likely to be extended for both the AD and CVD investigations as authorized by statute.

EventEarliest DateExtended Date
Petition FiledJanuary 15, 2025 
DOC InitiationFebruary 4, 2025 
ITC Preliminary Investigation: 
Questionnaires DueJanuary 29, 2025 
Request to appear at hearing                                     February 3, 2025 
HearingFebruary 5, 2025 
BriefsFebruary 10, 2025 
ITC VoteMarch 1, 2025 
DOC Investigation Schedule:  
DOC Preliminary Antidumping DeterminationJune 24, 2025August 13, 2025
DOC Final Antidumping DeterminationSeptember 7, 2025December 26, 2025  
DOC Preliminary Countervailing DeterminationApril 10, 2025  June 14, 2025  
DOC Final Countervailing DeterminationJune 24, 2025  August 28, 2025  
ITC Final Investigation:  
ITC Final AD Determination                 September 7, 2025December 26, 2025  
ITC Final CVD Determination              June 24, 2025  August 28, 2025  


China:              1,017.26% to 1,411.14%

Periods of Investigation:  The antidumping duty period of investigation will be January 1, 2024, through June 30, 2024.  The countervailing duty period of investigation will be January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.


Above de minimis


For a list of alleged subsidies the Petitioner, please see Attachment III.


 2021202220232023 (Jan – Sep)2024 (Jan – Sep)
Short Tons25,65237,22244,47032,14531,345


For more information concerning this petition and how it may affect your business, please contact Nithya Nagarajan, Dan Wilson, or Stephen Brophy.