The U.S. International Trade Commission (“ITC”) found on October 20, 2020 that glass containers from China do not injure the U.S. industry, and thus made a negative determination in the final phase of the antidumping duty (“AD”) investigation.  The ITC’s negative AD determination follows its negative countervailing duty (“CVD”) determination that was published in the Federal Register on July 2, 2020.  This is a complete victory for the importers of the glass container products from China.  As a result of the ITC determinations, there will be no further AD or CVD deposits required for imports of glass containers from China, and the importers will receive refunds of the deposits that they previously have paid.

Husch Blackwell represented St. Louis-based importer TricorBraun in the ITC investigation. Husch Blackwell and TricorBraun took the lead in organizing the defense and presenting the facts to the ITC in a hearing held electronically.  The ITC’s negative AD and CVD determinations prevent continuation of major disruption to the users of glass containers, including important industries such as U.S. wineries.

Husch Blackwell’s International Trade and Supply Chain team has significant experience in AD/CVD proceedings, and we encourage companies whose products may be affected by an AD/CVD investigation to contact us for further information.