On February 23, 2024, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) issued a Final Rule intended to add clarity to invoicing requirements outlined in the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (OSRA 2022). In particular, the Final Rule provides minimum information for demurrage and detention (D&D) invoices and procedures for disputing charges. D&D invoices have created a host of issues for importers and shippers throughout the economy, especially as they relate to the lack of information provided on the invoices.
New LA-LB Port Fees Counterintuitive
Less than two weeks after President Biden officially announced his agreement with the Port of Los Angeles to begin operating 24/7, the ports of LA and Long Beach have decided to implement a new fee for containers sitting at the ports for extended periods of time. Combined, the ports of LA and Long Beach handle…
The Dynamic of the Chassis Quandary Today in Ocean Shipping in the United States
Don’t Forget the Chassis in the Chase for the Cure.
A new level of frustration has arisen from the ocean shipper ranks during this “post-COVID” period. Shipments from Asia to the U.S. are experiencing extreme difficulties in getting their cargo delivered, mainly due to the acute shortage of chassis to effect delivery of their containers on the U.S. side. The painful example of this is the BNSF current experience with Lot W. Aside from the impact to the importer in not being able to access its cargo and experiencing serious damage to its business, it is also likely to face serious demurrage charges from the ocean carrier. This is on top of having just experienced a quadrupling (or more) of the base FAK per container rates, and the ocean carrier choices to leave agricultural commodities sitting at West Coast U.S. ports, favoring the shipment of empty containers opting to position equipment for the lucrative Asia to U.S. trade.
The Ocean Shipping Pandemic Moves to the Rails: The Lot “W” Metaphor in Chicago
As a result of the contagious ocean carrier saga, recently the subject of a Presidential Executive Order dealing with anti-competitive developments in ocean shipping, the contagion has now fixated on rail ramps where intermodal deliveries of ocean freight moves has come to a virtual standstill. At least that is the case at Lot W.